26 Tips to Gain Muscle Fast

tips to gain muscle fast

1. Stop Doing Bicep Curls &…

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  • aajason

ONLY Do Compound Exercises Because…

2. To Get a Bigger Chest, Shoulders & Triceps…

3. To Get Bigger Biceps & a Bigger Back…

4. To Get Bigger Legs…

5. YES, Bicep curls will make your arms bigger but…

Any exercise whether its a compound or an isolation exercise will make your muscles bigger as long as you Do More each workout (see the next tip) but…

Compound exercises (where you're making at least 2 muscles bigger vs. only 1 muscle with isolation exercises) are the fastest way to get bigger muscles because you're lifting heavier weights.

For example - Watch the video below of how I got bigger arms ONLY doing dips & chin-ups…

If you still want to do isolation exercises (maybe because you want to focus more on a certain muscle) then ONLY do isolation exercises after you've done the more important compound exercise or UNLESS you're using a fast muscle building trick like pre-exhaust

6. Do More!

Your muscles can't get any bigger & stronger if you keep lifting the SAME amount of weight, Doing the SAME number of reps and/or sets every workout so You need to BEAT Your Last Workout by making each workout tougher than the last one by…

A Stronger Muscle is Always a Bigger Muscle

The picture below shows the man getting bigger as the bull he carries gets heavier⇓

progressive overload

For example…

7. Do More Right Now!

Instead of waiting until your next workout to use heavier weights and/or do more reps You can start using heavier weights and/or doing more reps on each set you do instead of doing a workout where you use the same amount of weight & reps on each set so for example your workout could look like this…

Play the video below to get a visual idea why you need to always do more to get bigger & stronger muscles…

The fastest way to gain muscle is to keep beating your last workout and/or set by pushing yourself more & more each time even if it's only by an inch! so make sure you…

8. Write Down Everything!

Write down every muscle building exercise you do, how many sets you did, how much weight you lifted on each set, how many reps you did on each set and that way…

Each time you workout you can look at what you wrote down to see exactly how many sets, reps and/or how much weight you need to lift to DO MORE or to DO MORE Right Now to beat your last workout or set to gain muscle faster.

Use 1 of these training logs to write down everything…

9. You Won't Always Do More

As your muscles get bigger and stronger it'll get tougher to Do More every time you workout so you may reach a point where you're stuck lifting the same amount of weight, doing the same number of reps and/or sets every time you workout preventing your muscles from getting that much bigger &…

This may last for just a couple of workouts or maybe even weeks before you break out of this plateau but when this does happen…

10. Use These Tricks

When you're stuck lifting the same amount of weight, doing the same number of reps and/or sets then it is time to Use 1 of these 16 fast muscle building tricks so you can still Do More to build muscle each time you workout.

For example, Use fast muscle building tricks to…

Anything you can do to make your training harder is the step in the right directionMike Mentzer -American IFBB professional bodybuilder

11. Never Count Higher Than 15

Once you get to point where you're easily doing 15 reps without stopping on almost every set then it's time to increase the weight, lift heavier and get stronger because usually…

12. Do At Least 5 Because…

When you do less than 5 reps per set you're probably going to be using a super heavy weight that may cause injury, cause you to use bad form where you work the weight and/or it's just not enough reps to fatigue your muscles enough to make them bigger.

13. Work The Muscle, Not The Weight

Look at the 2 short 30 second videos below of the 2 guys doing bicep curls…

Bad form = His arms will not get bigger ↓

Good form = His arms will get bigger ↓

You don't have to use perfect form on every rep you do because as you get deeper into the 5-to-15 rep range your form may start to get worse but…

14. You Don't Get Bigger In The Gym

gain muscle away from gym

You ONLY get bigger muscles after you finish working out when you give your muscles a chance to rest, recover & rebuild into bigger ones so…

Tips 15-thru-22 tell you how to eat

15. Don't Get Fat!

The ONLY 2 Things you need to do to build muscle are…

  1. Get stronger each workout by doing more with progressive overload (see tips 6-thru-10) &…
  2. Eat enough protein to re-build the muscles you broke down into bigger & stronger muscles so…

There's no need to "bulk up", eat everything in sight, buy mass gainers or eat 3 big macs everyday because all you're going to do is get fat as you build muscle.

Remember: Your goal is to look more like the guy on the left instead of the guy on the right as you build muscle…

gain muscle without getting  fat

16. Protein! Protein! Protein!

Take your bodyweight & multiply it by anything between .64-to-.82 and that'll be how much protein you need to build muscle fast or you can use the protein calculator below…

Type in how much you weigh in the box below and then click the Enter button to See how much protein you need to build muscle…

Type in how much you weigh here →

You ONLY need -to- grams of protein per day to build muscle

If you take away water your muscles are purely made up protein and you need enough protein to repair & rebuild your muscles after using tips 1-thru-14 into bigger ones that're strong enough to Do More in your next workout.

17. Buy Protein!

You probably won't be able to get all the protein you need eating high protein foods because you may not have time or it's too tough to eat all that protein so when it comes to the best muscle building supplements…

Get Protein powders/shakes, MRPs and/or Protein Bars along with eating high protein foods to help you easily get all the protein you need to gain muscle mass &…

18. Yes, You Need Carbs & Fats Because…

Carbs & fats make building muscle easier for 3 Main Reasons…

  1. The carbs you eat get stored in your muscles as glycogen & glycogen gives your muscles energy to lift heavier weights, do more reps and/or sets so without enough carbs in your diet you may not be able to Do More to build muscle.
  2. Eat enough carbs and your muscles will look bigger because carbs force more water into your muscles blowing them up like a balloon.
  3. At least 15% of your diet needs to be fat so your body can naturally produce muscle building hormones like testosterone

19. Drink Lots Of Water Because…

70-to-80% of your muscles are made up of water so if you don't drink at least ½ your bodyweight in ounces of water everyday and if you limit carbs then your muscles will definitely shrink.

20. Eat Whatever You Want (No Joke!)

eat what you like to gain muscle

It doesn't matter what food or supplements you take to get your protein as long as you get enough protein to build muscle and overall…

It's best that most of your diet comes from these healthy foods because eating crappy foods will increase your hunger which may make you eat too many calories causing you to get fat as you gain muscle.

21. Write This Down Also…

Write down how many calories, protein, carbs & fats you eat along with how much water you drink each day so that you can make changes to your diet if needed - for example…

Use 1 of these food journals to write down everything…

22. There Are No Magic Pills!

Herman Goerner did not use supplements

The guy in the picture above is Herman Goerner and he looked like that in the 1920's way before creatine, before fat burners & before steroids so outside of protein…

Don't waste any money on those fancy supplements because you still have to workout & eat right to truly gain muscle fast.

23. Play the 'So That' Game

motivated to gain muscle

The 'So That' game is a game you play to help you come up with enough reasons to motivate you to build muscle faster and here's an example…

The more 'So Thats' you get = the more motivated you'll be to build muscle. See 6 steps to get motivated to do anything

24. Take Action Now!

If you're still confused as to exactly what you need to do to take action right now to build muscle then…

25. You'll Gain Muscle Fast

26. Don't Panic! Troubleshoot

If you ever get to a point where you've hit a muscle building plateau or you're not satisfied with the results you're getting then…

More Ways to Gain Muscle

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