5 Solutions for Crepey Skin After Pregnancy

crepey skin before after

1. Anti-Aging Creams

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  • aajason

They all might appear like aggressive marketing but, there are a handful of high-performing anti-wrinkle creams you can trust.

If you want more drastic results for the shortest period of time… Ask your skin care specialist for a prescription grade tretinoin. Or, you can settle for over-the-counter retinol products like Medix 5.5 Retinol Cream for Crepey SkinUse these tips before using Anti-Aging Creams

Other ingredients to improve your crepey skin are hyaluronic acid and co-enzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) to dramatically boost your skin's moisture content, and alpha & poly hydroxy acids to help your skin facilitate faster skin turnovers and renewal.

2. Exfoliation

Your skin is still finding its new normal post-delivery thus, the crepey skin. Exfoliation will stimulate your skin cells to revive their energy to repair damages faster.

With higher levels of collagen fibers, your skin becomes firmer. Procedures for you to check out are microdermabrasion, micro-needling, and professional chemical peels. Laser skin resurfacing and radio frequency therapy are two other minimally and non-invasive procedures you can start exploring.

3. Exercise

ONLY After you asked your doctor… Do HIT and targeted ab exercises to get the tension back in your muscles and your skin.

4. Sunscreen

Don't let UV damage cancel out the positive results you get from the first 3 solutions outlined above. Wear sunscreen religiously to set up your skin to lose the crepey appearance. Make sure your sunscreen is broad spectrum and get an SPF 30 or up → 8 Sunscreen Beauty Tips

5. Surgery

A skin lift will help you achieve instantly firmer skin to lose your crepey skin. Surgical procedures, however, should never be taken lightly. So, even when you are whole wholeheartedly all for it, make sure you do a thorough research and you know all the risks → 10 Questions to ask before surgery

5 Possible Causes of Crepey Skin

1. Rapid Weight Gain & Weight Loss

Can you even begin to imagine how well your skin has adjusted throughout the past 9 months and beyond? Crepey skin is a result of this rapid change in your weight, size and shape → Do you have loose skin?

2. Big time loss of moisture & nutrients

Your skin happens to be the largest organ of your body which makes it highly vulnerable to damage given the slightest change your body is going through.

During pregnancy, you are sharing a considerable amount of your nourishment with your little one. This can cause your own nutrient levels to drop.

3. Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of sufficient sleep

It's normal to slack from your healthy lifestyle during your pregnancy. Who could blame you? You carried a considerable load in your tummy, your appetite was running haywire, your tired body required more hours of sleep and weight gain naturally made it more difficult for you to move around.

If you had a sensitive pregnancy, you probably even spent majority of the past 9 months in bed → 16 Ways to Sleep Better

4. External Causes

Your skin may have been exposed to factors that could have caused it to show aging, crepey skin. These factors include excessive sun exposure, constant contact with harsh chemicals from your skin care products, and even regular exposure to polluted environments.

5. Heredity

Saggy and crepey may be in your genes.

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