How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

get rid puffy eyes tea bags
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  • aajason

6 Ways to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

1. Freeze

Putting something cold on your puffy eyes for 10-to-20 minutes will instantly get rid of your puffy eyes

Did you know? It's the cold that actually reduces the swelling so there is no need for you to put tea bags, spoons, fruit or other gimmicks on your face to reduce puffy eyes.

Ways to apply cold to puffy eyes:

Cold Cucumbers, Potatoes & Rosewater also lighten up dark circles → 22 ways to Get Rid of Dark Circles immediately

2. Use Your Fingers

Watch the video to see how to use your fingers to drain out the excess fluid causing puffy eyes → Eye creams you can use with this video

3. Take Care of Your Allergies

Use an antihistamine like Zyrtec or natural antihistamine like Stinging Nettle, Bromelain, Quercetin & Vitamin C to get rid of puffy eyes caused by allergies.

Applying cold, massage or drinking more water will not get rid of puffy eyes UNLESS you get your allergies under control. Allergies can also make you rub your eyes more making puffy eyes get worse.

4. Drink More Water

One of the main causes of puffy eyes is water retention. The best way to flush out excess water weight is to simply drink more water while not eating a lot of foods that make you retain water &…

5. Eat More Diuretics

Diuretics also help you flush out excess water weight.

6. Hide Them

Watch the video to see how to conceal your puffy eyes with makeup. 7 Makeup tricks to look younger

7 Ways to NEVER Have Puffy Eyes Again

puffy eyes before after

1. Get Some Rest

Staying awake for too long makes your eyes work harder and this causes excess fluid to build up in your eye area giving you puffy eyes. Solution: take more naps and/or 16 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night

Fatigue also causes dull skin which only makes puffy eyes look worse → 8 Ways to Make Your Dull Skin GLOW

2. Sleep On Your Back

If you usually have puffy eyes in the morning, then it's mainly because you were not sleeping on your back.

Sleeping on your back prevents puffy eyes by keeping water from pooling up under your eyes overnight so you should also sleep with your head slightly elevated using an extra pillow if needed.

3. Drink Enough Water

1-to-2 liters of water per day should be enough to prevent excess fluid buildup in your eyes. You may need to drink more than 1-to-2 liters depending on how much salt/sodium and these foods that make you retain water are in your diet.

4. Don't Rub Your Eyes

When you rub your eyes too much you'll cause swelling around your eyes and Rubbing your eyes can worsen your allergies making it harder for you to get rid of puffy eyes.

Tip: Use your softer ring finger instead of your harsher pointer & middle fingers when applying creams or makeup to your eye area to avoid irritation.

5. Contacts

Take out your contacts before going to bed each night to prevent further irritation that could lead to puffy eyes.

6. Puffy Eyes Due to PMS?

If you routinely get puffy eyes a few days before your period then it's more than likely due to the water retention bought on by PMS. Prevent puffy eyes bought on by PMS by drinking more water, eating more diuretic foods & avoiding these foods.

7. Alcohol & Smoking

Alcohol and Smoking won't necessarily cause you to get puffy eyes but they both will make your skin lighter which will make it seem like you have puffy or baggy eyes.

Puffy Eyes vs. Dark Circles

puffy eyes dark circles
Puffy Eye remedies won't work for dark circles

What works for getting rid of dark circles wont also work for puffy eyes.

Puffy eyes are the result of a buildup of fluid causing the eye area to swell.

The best way to reduce swelling is with ice, allergy medication, or drinking more water. Eye creams (unless cold), alpha hydroxy acids & retinoids and adding more vitamin A, C, E & K to your diet will not get rid of puffy eyes because they don't reduce swelling.

The best way to get rid of dark circles is to fade them away with a 'lightening' eye cream. Applying cold to dark circles will also work to shrink the blood vessels making your dark circles more visible but cold does nothing to fade them away up.

DO NOT Use Prep H for Puffy Eyes → See Why

Puffy vs. Baggy Eyes
baggy eye surgery
Baggy Eyes can only be removed with surgery
10 Things That'll Cause Puffy Eyes
  1. Crying. Leads to eye rubbing & hormonal changes.
  2. Stress - 100 ways to reduce stress
  3. Recovering from surgery
  4. Genetics
  5. Dermatitis
  6. Changes in your body fluid because of your hormones and/or the weather
  7. Sinus problems
  8. Hypothyroid
  9. Hangovers
  10. Pink Eye
  11. Allergies
  12. Not drinking enough water
  13. Sleeping on your stomach

Other Than Puffy Eyes,