Parents, 7 Ways to Help Your Kids Lose Weight

1. Set an example

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  • aajason

Don't be one of those parents who eats the wrong things, never exercises and then acts surprised when your own children are overweight.

If you want your kids to lose weight (and want your kid to enjoy a longer lasting life without getting picked on daily, having suicidal thoughts, etc.) then make the commitment and set an example.

Start preparing, buying & eating the right foods and exercising with your kids (if you can)

2. Remember, You're the parent

Parents, no matter what country you live in, Your house is a dictatorship and YOU ARE THE DICTATOR.

STOP trying to be your kids best friend by letting them eat as much as they want until their weight gets uncontrollable.

3. Video Games?

If you can afford it, Get your kid a Wii, Xbox Kinect, PlayStation Move or any other game system like this kid who lost 11 pounds his 1st week playing video games ↓

4. THREE New Rules

  1. Your kids cannot watch TV or play Video Games until they're finished exercising for the day.
  2. They can exercise while watching TV on a treadmill or elliptical if they don't want to miss their favorite show.
  3. They can play Video Games as much as they like if its a Wii, Xbox Kinect or a PlayStation Move

5. Make your kids watch Super Size Me TWICE!

After your kids watch Super Size Me… They'll avoid bad foods as much as possible or at least they'll never want to go to McDonalds again.

6. Use Common Sense Tricks

7. A Weight Loss Plan?

The other 6 tips are enough to get your kids to lose weight but if not… Put them on a beginner plan like these 4 Simple Rules to Lose Weight Non-Stop

12 yr. old gets back to 115

12 year kid before after weight loss pic
Hey, I just want you to know in January, 2011, I was 153 pounds. I walked around took walks, rode bikes,cut back on eating, cutting out sweets and no cola. And last august I was 134. I found the 10 min treadmill work out, with time, In January around 115. I know its not much but I'm working on it. Especially since I'm 12 years old… I love your motivation and your videosMorgan Starns

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