3 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

1. Boat Pose - Navasana

This is one of the seated poses of yoga that helps not only in weight loss but in building up of stamina and determination too.

2. Extended side angle pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana

This is one of the best yielding types of yoga exercise for weight loss and it also helps in bringing a shape to your body.

3. Half moon pose Ardha Chandrasana

This weight loss yoga pose helps in building focus and also opens up the hip.

How Yoga Helps You Lose Weight

The major problems that can occur during weight loss, especially if a person has a high-stress full-time job to worry about on the side, are mental and physical fatigue and comfort eating.

It is not uncommon for person with a full time-job to become mentally exhausted and/or bored at work, to be stressed out and get very little sleep.

All these factors are causes of fatigue and coupled with a limited diet that often leaves a person feeling a little hungry (and therefore grumpy) and exhaustion from exercise can lead to additional stress, thus locking a person in a self-perpetuating circle of tiredness and irritability.

This is where yoga comes into play. Yoga can help you:

4 Types of Yoga

1. Mantra Yoga

Japa yoga is a method of chanting mantras and slogans that creates a vibration in and around the body thus reflecting the results from within.

Mantra yoga has originated from Vedic science that is linked with Tantra; Mantra yoga is completely the practice of chanting of Vedas written years back at the ancient times. The ultimate salvation or the union with the supreme universal consciousness is the eventual goal of mantra yoga.

2. Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is a form of practicing sheer faith and devotion towards ones interest on God the almighty or the supreme consciousness, the power. Usually Bhakti yoga is experienced along with the worship of God be it Lord Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohammad or Shakti who is considered as the sole power or Guru according to their choice.

The main picture of this yoga is the strong emotional bond with an objective of faith. This flow of emotional energy is effective when directed towards the object of faith thus purifying the inner self at once. Self realization, relief from pain, ego and uncertainty are the resulting factor of this yoga.

3. Kundalini Yoga

This type of yoga is concerned about the stimulation of the chakras or the psychic centers of the body. Every individual has six main chakras that are evenly distributed from the head down to the end of the spinal cord.

Mind is made off different layers that are responsible for various consciousnesses which are dependent on different chakras. The basic factor about this yoga is that it awakens these chakras with deep concentration. Kundalini yoga for back pain is more effective with the cleansing techniques they follow.

4. Raja Yoga

This yoga is described in the yoga sutras of sage Patanjali in ancient texts with eight stages which is collectively called the raja yoga. Raja yoga deals with refinement of the human deeds and personality with the practice of yamas (restraint) and niyamas (disciplines).

This results in good physical health and dynamism from the asanas and Pranayama (breathing techniques) that manages emotional conflicts with the development of awareness. Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption towards universal identity) are some of the other yoga that comes under raja yoga.

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