How to Perfect Your Posture

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  • aajason

The Best Standing Posture

image of good standing posture
  1. Head: Keep your head held high and straight, with your chin parallel to the ground. This will elongate your neck.
  2. Shoulders: From a side view, your shoulders should be in line with your ears. Make sure both shoulders are level with each other so that one shoulder should not be higher than the other one.

    Keep your shoulders lowered and pulled back. Women → This makes breast look bigger & Men → This makes chest look bigger. Slumped or rounded shoulders can cause the breasts to appear to saggy.
  3. Back: Lift your chest up and lower your tailbone for a gentle S-shaped curve. You should not slouch or arch your back. You will struggle to tuck in your stomach in a slouched or arched position.
  4. Hips: Similar to your shoulders, keep your hips level on either side. Sometimes when your weight shifts between each leg, your hips become uneven.

    Try to keep your hips in line with your shoulders and your knees; this will ensure your weight is firmly centered and that you are not putting any unnecessary pressure on any one body part.
  5. Feet: Ideally, your feet should be facing forward and kept in line with your hips. Try to keep your weight centered in the middle of your feet.

The Best Sitting Posture

image of bad seated posture
  1. Head: If you are sitting at your work desk, it can be tempting to hang your head forward, rest your head on your hands, and poke your head out forward. Each of these positions can strain your neck and back. Keep your head held high and straight, just as if you were standing.

    Remember to remove the appearance of a double chin by keeping your chin parallel to the ground. If you cannot see your computer screen well, think about raising your desk or lowering your chair. If you are reading a book or newspaper, hold it up higher.
  2. Shoulders and Back: Avoid slouching forward over your desk as this can strain your back. Sit up straight, chest up, tailbone down, and keep your shoulders pulled back. Support your lower back with a cushion.
  3. Legs and Feet: Don't cross your legs or tuck your legs under your buttocks. Keep your thighs straight and place both feet flat on the ground. Remember to adjust the height of your chair if you need to.

    When legs are crossed, you reduce circulation to the lower extremities and make spider or varicose veins worse by reducing the return of blood to the heart.
correct seated posture

Get up & walk around every 15-to-30 minutes

5 Tips for Better Computer Posture

better computer posture

1. Keep Screen at Eye Level

Tilting your head downward all day can cause massive strain on your neck, back & shoulders and will also make it more likely you'll slouch forward.

The top of your monitor should be at eye level & to find the perfect placement of your computer screen,

2. Get the Right Chair

3. Learn How to Sit

proper seated posture principles

4. Chair & Arm Placement

5. Feet on the Ground

Perfect Posture → The Basics

2 Tools to Improve Posture

  1. Posture Medic helps you stretch the muscles of your chest and strengthen the muscles of your upper back to help you create good posture.
  2. PostureNOW improves your posture by reminding you to pull your shoulders back everytime your shoulders hunch forward creating a habit of better posture.

When Will I Get Better Posture?

7 Important Reasons to Perfect Posture
  1. Good posture can make you appear tall, poised & confident.
  2. Your internal organs will function more optimally because you are not putting any unnecessary pressure in the wrong places.
  3. Maintaining good posture in both standing and sitting positions is vital to avoid straining your back and neck.
  4. Proper desk posture will help you get rid of back pain
  5. A bad lordosis posture will make your belly look bigger than it actually is → 5 Steps to Get Rid of Belly Fat
  6. Good posture increases oxygen flow to your muscles.
  7. UCLA researchers found poor posture can lead to breathing problems & depression.
Poor posture can lead to aches and pains, particularly back and neck, and headaches. If you are slumped over, you cannot take a full breath, which can greatly impact your energy level, and your digestion is compromised because you are squishing your stomach. Dr. Marr - developed SOAR Method for Perfect Posture

More Ways to Get Perfect Posture