People who lost 100 lbs. all had these 5 things in common.

1. They all got active.

Some of them walked a couple miles a day, some of them lifted weights (the muscle they built helped keep the fat away by burning extra calories), and some of them didn't even take it to the extreme.

Some of the 100 lb losers parked their cars farther away from store entrances so they would have to walk farther to the store. Some took the stairs instead of the elevator.

I read one weight loss story where a lady always unpacked her groceries by walking them into her house one by one.

The best one I read was where a lady lost 100 lbs by getting up every morning to walk in her local mall.  She said it was easy to lose weight this way because she would always take a break every 10 minutes or so into her walk to shop.

Go here to get active

2. They got rid of all the bad foods

They included more fruits & veggies, baked fish and chicken, more nuts like almonds. They drank more water and less soda.

Some people ate a lot of these weight loss foods without gaining weight because it's these types of foods that promote fat burning and it's foods like alcohol, sugar, and pizza that promote fat gain In the body.

3. They got support.

Most of them got a friend, co-worker, or family member to keep them motivated to stay on track to their weight loss goals. One lady had lost 123 lbs because she had a friend call her every morning to join her for a morning walk.

4. They all tried some stupid weight loss gimmick.

After all the stupid weight loss gimmicks failed for them… They punched themselves in the face with common sense and began to eat less (not starve) and become more active.

See 7 common sense weight loss rules

5. They took breaks on their weight loss journeys.

To lose a 100 pounds takes time. If you stay on any weight loss program for too long without any breaks from being active or without cheating every once in while…

Every 100 pound loser had some system to give themselves breaks form their weight loss programs. One guy I read about would treat himself once a week to fast food.

See how to cheat and still lose weight