To do Hill sprints for better looking legs…

how to do hill sprints for sexier legs

Here's a basic hill sprint workout for better looking legs…

  1. Do 5-to-7 50-to-100 yard hill sprints and…
    • After you do each sprint, walk back down the hill &…
    • Rest up to 3 minutes & After you've done your first 5-to-7 hill sprints…
    • Take a 10 minute break and then…
  2. Do a final set of 5-to-7 50-to-100 yard hill sprints &…

9 tips to build better looking legs with hill sprints…

  1. You want to hill sprint at least 500 yards (1500 feet) and no more than 1000 yards (3000 feet) in a single workout so for example… You should do at least TEN 50 yard sprints or do no more than TEN 100 yard sprints and…
  2. Beginners or first-timers may want to start off by only doing FIVE 50 yard hill sprints (then resting for 10 minutes) and doing another FIVE 50 yard hill sprints and as you get used to hill sprints…
  3. You can do more advanced hill sprint workouts like…
    • Do a 50 yard, 60 yard, 70 yard, 80 yard, and then a 90 yard hill sprint in that order resting 2-to-3 minutes between each sprint and then…
    • You'd rest 10 minutes after you do the 90 yard sprint and after your 10 minute break…
    • You'll then do a 90 yard, 80 yard, 70 yard, 60 yard, and 50 yard hill sprints in that order for a total of 750 yards in your advanced hill sprint workout and…
  4. You can go adjust your hill sprint workout any way you like - Just remember to only do 500-to-1000 yards of total hill sprinting per workout and…
  5. Only do your Hill sprint workouts once a week and only after 2-to-3 weeks you should try doing these hill sprint workouts twice a week and…
  6. Make sure you sprint as fast as you can up the hills as if a large DOG or a person with a GUN were chasing you up that hill and…
  7. The steeper the hill is = the better leg workout you'll get plus you'll work your butt more and…
  8. You can also do regular sprints on a flat surface (if no hills are available) to get better looking legs but if you seriously want to get a bigger butt then you need to stick with hill sprints and…
  9. Although hill sprints help burn fat - if you want to lose weight or burn fat faster using hills then I suggest you do this hill interval workout instead.

Can sprints on a treadmill or a Stairmaster help?

The answer is Yes & No

Yes. Doing sprints on a treadmill at a high incline along with running up stairs or using a Stairmaster will also help to firm up your butt & round it out to make it look nicer like Ciara
, Fergie
, Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
or like this butt here
this butt here

No. To get a bigger butt like Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian
, CoCo
, J-Lo
Jennifer Lopez
, Vida Guerra
Vida Guerra
, Andressa Soares
Andressa Soares
, Beyonce
or like this butt here
this butt here
you'll need to do hill sprints for longer & longer distances on a stepper & stepper hill to progressively get the bigger butt you want & Remember…

A treadmill's incline can only be but so steep and in order to keep on giving your butt the intense workout it needs to get bigger you're going to eventually have to do hill sprints at a much stepper incline &…

When you're running up stairs or using a Stairmaster you are actually getting a good thigh workout with very little butt involvement but you'll get enough of a butt workout from running up stairs or using a Stairmaster to make your butt a little bit bigger but then again…

You can very well end up with a butt that you are satisfied with using a treadmill, running up stairs and/or using a stair climber.